There is a great variety of customs related to common currencies. This simple object to use in the magic and tradition of almost all countries and peoples. There are two types of use of currencies: the rituals and lucky charms.

How to make a lucky charm of coins
In various magical rituals use one-time currencies. The mascots also serve humanity faithfully for many consecutive years. This article focuses specifically on the pet. What, in fact, means this word?
The costume is a magic item, endowed with special meaning, and power, for the protection of its owner or the discovery of the capabilities (gain the ability) . It brings good luck, keep the health, it attracts positive emotions and the charge of distresses, afflictions, problems, and exposure to external magic.
The mascot can become absolutely any subject. But the coins – pets have the widest dissemination, especially among people with capabilities supernatural.
The help of coins, loaded with special features, people have resorted even in antiquity. Especially the urgent need of mascots, manifesting itself in moments of complete helplessness of man before the Universe. So, with the help of special cargo, talismans filed the people of evil witchcraft and the impact on your personality outdoor.
The faith in the power of amulets and talismans still appeared up to a period, still does not talk about the fact that in today's world, this became unnecessary. The evil lives in the world today, and, perhaps, vice-versa, could manage only your strength. How it works the currency — the amulet and what it does?
The costume is a little different from their "brothers" talisman and amulet. What is the difference? The task talisman (amulet) to ward off all entry into human energy field negative, defend it, and external influences bad. And the mascot is another task – to attract everything good of the horizons of the universe – the luck, the love, the wealth, the location of people and so on.
There are two options for the wing of the mascot in a person's life. The first is a matter of chance. Many people have long ago convinced that the chance is very natural and occur by the will of the Higher Mind. A certain currency can become a mascot, of any emotional or physical the case.
For better understanding, one may think, for example, as a talisman, from coins comes to a man.
Here, for example, when a long time since the boy was friends with the girl. They were best friends. Then, one day, found themselves in a beautiful street and historic coin. And the girl gave it to her the boy with the words: "she will be your mascot, and the memory of our friendship, she'll bring you luck". If the boy will believe in these words, the currency will be truly for him the mascot.
The second way is to make a talisman of my own hand. Similar to the magical item will receive a huge force and the force is in the direction in which is waiting for its owner. After these lines, many will be a reasonable question about how to make a lucky charm of coins.
This process is not absolutely complex, but to approach it, you should all the responsibility. Best of all, the mascot is ideal for old currency, or made of a precious metal. Taxes energy, initially, gains strength.
The currency can be used on the neck, in the form of suspension (for that you will need to drill your hole) , or simply to maintain it in a bag of good natural fabric. Of course, before you expect something special, the currency is required to "charge".
Has on the full moon put the talisman on the window sill, preferably in a retail or cloth of red color. Then, you should ask the Universe (God, a Supreme being, God) is what's most missing in life. For example: "I Pray to this amulet brought me luck, and defended from the enemies, called love, money, and nice people, however, said-solution of problems".
Then the coin, it is necessary to wrap in this fabric (cloth) , placed under the pillow and sleep with it until morning. And in the morning, hang on neck or to keep in the bag. And the most important is faith in your strength and force the new amulet.